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Pleased to Meet You.

You are probably reading this because you have a desire to either halt your hair loss, reverse it, and or regain some lost area due to male pattern balding. Some of you have tried everything and it didn't quite work out. Others have had some success, but you are looking for more.


Many of you have already gotten a hair transplant, PRP, SMP scalp tattoo, and others are just waiting it out to the next big fix drops. many of you are already on internal DHT/5ar suppressers or other lab-based solutions. Regardless of where you are or have been, "Back to the Barber" can only help you attain your goal. Why? It gets to the root of the problem. Pun intended. 


Do you want to stop diffusion or thinning on top? Do you want to halt or reverse receding? Do you want to regrow what you've lost IE everything on top? You can. With patience, endurance, and understanding. You surely can. If you don't believe me, please work your way around this website. Start here.


Moniker: AQBS
"Male Pattern Balding Champion"

Happy Selfie


Of course, you want to look and feel better so you want better hair. However, my core belief is that all balding is caused by a deeper internal issue manifesting outward. It is "unnatural" in a sense that is a sign of chronic degeneration and accelerated aging. Let's fix the root cause while dealing with the side effect, hair loss. It is better to consider it an omen or sign.

Balding is NOT a thing. It is NOT the thing. It is a representation of the health of another thing, which is YOU. You can view it as a side effect or the outcome. Not the cause, nor the culprit, it isn't anything in itself but a reflection of internal imbalances or disfunction. It is usually comorbid with other more serious but hidden problems. 



I go by AQBS. It's just my initials. I decided early on that in order to fully dive into this problem, I'd have to create an alter ego separate from the father, the husband, and other personas. That way when I am in work mode, or research mode I can quiet all of the other aspects of my life and fully commit to the goal of reversing my male pattern balding. I guess you can call it my game face.


I am an avid reader and researcher, By the time I was 30, I had collected hundreds of non-fiction books. Still a very small percentage of what I had read. Art, science, astronomy, health, bio-hacking, inventing are just a few of my disciplines and hobbies so I find myself very intrigued by polymaths, past and present, I believe men should be- Priests, Warriors, Builders & Kings. Therefore, a balanced life is fundamental. So why hair out of all things? Besides the fact that self-confidence allows for greater victories in the future, I felt like I lost my hair way too early (late 20's).


Like many things, Back to the Barber was created because necessity is the mother of invention. I could not find any product on the market that I could relate too. Most of the hair products were geared toward Omega Scalps (scalps without MPB) and or men with receding or thinning not slick bald. I have what I refer to as the ultimate Alpha scalp (Norwood 7+). My options were to buzz it indefinitely or get a hair transplant. Unfortunately, that wouldn't work because I didn't even have enough donor hair to cover my entire scalp and look natural... Thus, I decided that neither of those options were acceptableA few years later, Back to the Barber was born.


The product works but it takes time and dedication. My goal is to improve the product piece by piece, ingredient by ingredient, task by task, slowly shortening time considerations and simplifying the formulas/regimen when all possible. This product is dedicated to everyday men already tackling life and grabbing the bull by the horn, refusing to allow something little like "genetics" to pull us down a path that we frankly don't care to take. If it takes trailblazing and rebuilding from scratch, then so be it. Thats my thought. You probably feel the same way. I figured by sharing Back to the Barber, I could just save you a little bit of time so that you can focus on greater things...


So who is AQBS? A real person. A proud bro-scientist. A male pattern balding reversal champion. I work out and mow the lawn. I refuse to shave my underarms for months at a time. My wife irons my clothes because I am as bad as ironing as directions. I have a full-time job because a man who doesn't work, doesn't eat. I have a bit of OCD that I found very useful in research and going down the rabbit hole of MPB. I like watching sports occasionally but more inclined to play them. I have more hobbies than time, but the outdoors is my thing. I am an introvert but I find people fascinating. I believe people are pretty much the same. We all want love, respect, and something to call our own. Hair loss is universal for men and luckily the restoration process is too. If I could do it and I have. You can too!


Born in the south (TN), and grew up in the mid-west. Moved back to the south (TN) for college and relocated further south (GA) to live. 3x author of self-help books. Serial entrepreneur AKA keep a side-hustle while working. I have a spouse. I have a small tribe of kids. I am proudly an athletic book worm, herbalists, IT guy... On a personal level, I'm just an everyday question would be does it work AQBS? Yes.  The product works. You should research it. See for yourself. Read the principles. Try it.


Read how Follicle Reactivator, Dermis Rebuilder, Scalp Repair PasteDH-TEA Inhibitor, & Growth Signal Reinitializer are going to change your life.



Natural hair restoration

I am currently working on the "General Theory of Reversativity" actively in the present moment as I am still in the process of meeting my own scalp conditions. I have still yet to hit the threshold where my hair grows as if it did lets say 15 years ago and all vestiges of male acute follicle stress syndrome (MAFS) have been eradicated at least visually. As you know, my belief is once an "Alpha Scalp" always an "Alpha Scalp" so I've accepted that maintenance at this point is ongoing. Regardless, I have no doubt with what I know now reversing androgenetic alopecia hair loss is completely possible, and I am on the verge of proving it.


Many of you would ask, "If you haven't yet attained your goal, why are you sharing your information and selling a product?" I am glad you asked that. Consider that I was not supposed to grow one hair on my head after I went slick bald for over 10 years. I don't have to explain why that's already questionable by our standards. Being that you were taught your follicles are dead at that point and it is now impossible to grow hair again, I've already performed a miracle by our current shared understandings (but I really haven't). Me growing thousands of terminal hairs and even more villus hairs out of the "dead" follicles means we were incorrect in our assumptions. Its actually quite simple. We heal every day and have been our entire life. Imagine what your face would look like if you did not heal the scrapes, bruises, acne, pimples, black eyes, bites, hives and scratches of childhood. The scalp is no different.


At this point, I firmly believe that my scalp conditions (over all regions of my scalp- some being less met than others) are not met yet. Therefore, my growth volume is evident of that. If I continue using the products and working the regimen, time considerations will allow pretty close to total restoration. This means several things... My agenda has moved away from disproving the two myths of balding which is, "It is genetic. Therefore, it is inevitable." and "It is our final form. Therefore, it is irreversible." Within 3 months of using Back to the Barber, I popped thousands of villus hairs around my entire Gallea (top of the head slick bald spot). I have pictures. Videos. It is well-documented. It's disproven. No debate. Moving on. Because of the documentation I have, and the theories that I created that are becoming truer as I journey along, my confidence in the product (based on science-biology) but mostly on our hair follicle's natural ability to heal themselves if the right conditions are present, is strong. 


My agenda now is to reverse my totally slick bald head to at least Norwood 2 even though I've been bald for over a decade. Now if I am able to do this, then a man in Nebraska with Norwood 4 can reverse his temple receding. A man in Mexico can halt his Norwood 2 recession on his hairline. A man in Compton or even China can thicken out his crown diffusion. Being that I am one of the worse cases or "hard gainer" hair wise, balding in early 20's and totally bald before 30 years of age, how can the products and solutions not help the average man exponentially? Besides my feelings and research, if the science is correct, follicles are organs and organs can be healed over time. If I fail, that doesn't mean that you will fail. I am worse case. Many of you just want to halt hair loss, fix your recession, magnify the effects of internal human ingenuity products, and or just optimize your transplant etc. In this case, I have already won for you. This is why I started sharing information and products before I've hit my personal pinnacle. I've already won per se, this is my 3-peat.


If you view your feminine follicles like a woman that wants to become pregnant (BY OPTIMAL SCALP CONDITIONS IE GROWTH HORMONE-STEM CELLS) and your balding scalp has like a fungal or bacterial infection, then you are 70% there. Understand that your follicles want to produce hair (the baby) and your scalp environment is supposed to be able to support & protect that natural agenda. The resources being funneled to the scalp via the dermal papilla network or arteries can be viewed as the man. He should be capable of providing the resources and supporting the woman (follicle) and child. If he is injured or at war with the immune system or biome, then he cannot feed the dependent follicle attempting to conceive a child. This is male pattern balding at its essence. The Alpha state= the war. Growth is halted or hair loss is inevitable. The omega state= peace. Hair grows in homogeneous peace.



Track NameArtist Name
00:00 / 01:04
AQBS the hair god

Josh 3x interviews AQBS about male pattern balding and how Back to the Barber assists men in the fight against it.

Creator & First Client of Back to the Barber



Personal Hobbies

Talents & Gifts

Previous Projects


I have written and published 3 books. All three on spirituality and self-help. I am working on several patents as we speak of previous inventions.  I've developed dozens of websites as a hobby for others and now in app development. I have created countless herbal concoctions that I and my family use for health and longevity. Owned several small business of various successes. I am just getting started.

I am an avid reader and crave learning. I also love art and history so visiting museums of all types is my thing. I can appreciate science. Experimentation, quantum physics, biotechnology and epigenetics are a few of my favorite areas. Spirituality and nature are always of service. The power of the mind. My goal is to speak four languages. However, I am an avid gym goer. MMA and boxing interests me. Camping, fishing, exploring are must haves in my life. I play sports of all types. Rarely watch them. I believe every man should contain the Priest, the Warrior, the Builder, and the King. A polymathic multi-faceted well-rounded man is my goal.

Basically I am hyper-creative. But I believe I have a few talents that have a wide reach into every aspect of my life. First, I have the ability to dig deep into any subject to find the root of an issue or the foundation of a concept and totally rebuild it or reinvent it. I can take any subject and see the macro and the micro at a 360 degree level if that makes sense. Secondly, I have an ability to see things from both the right-intuitive brain and beyond only to compare and contrast it with pure logic and reasoning in a split second via left brain. This is how Back to the Barber was created. 

Herbal Treatment

Back to the Barber's AQBS


In just 1 year, AQBS has already coined or added quite a few phrases to the male pattern balding or hair loss sphere vernacular. Scalp conditions must be met and maintained, Alpha and Omega Scalp, Healthstetic Outlook (Aesthetic=Health), The General Theory of Reversativity, The Unified Theory of Balding, Male Acute Follicle Stress Syndrome (MAFS), TRE's (Targeted Restoration Equations), The more hair, the more hair, the more hair, DHT = Special Ops of Immune System, Prostate dominated/Uterine dominated, The feminine follicles amongst many more... 

Barber's Pole
Rock Climbing


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