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Follicles produce the best hair consistently when mineral resources are abundant, stimulants are applied (boosters), and they are in a stress free environment free of male dominated hormones and pathogens. Male pattern balding is a war between follicles, your immune system, and pathogens. The acne, inflammation, and dandruff are signs of the internal carnage. GSR assist the hair growth process by encouraging growth signaling between the feminine follicles. The intra-follicle communication is the key to unlocking mass regrowth due to endorphin flow. The calming effect also allows for greater growth periods.


GSR does the following:


1. Anti-fungal, Anti-viral, Anti-bacteria - disrupts pathogen strongholds

2. The fight or flight response in follicles are disabled - hair production follows

3. Increases growth hormone signaling between follicles

4. Adds needed oils back to scalp after the alcohol- based Follicle Reactivator

5. Slowly helps the immune system and DHT to stand down


GSR is stacked with Natty therapeutics and partnered with a massager.


All ingredients are just current ingredients and are subject to change. If I find something more concentrated, stronger, and encourages better results, the least useful ingredient will be swapped in a heartbeat after research and testing. I view my products as versions and never finished or complete similar to technology. This is why you will see a number behind the name. Even this stack of Natty Therapeutics is already behind (2) versions due to new information found and the extraction processes being improved.


Ingredients, Peppermint Oil, Grape Seed Oil,

Adaptogens/Calming - Rhodia Rosea, Lemon Balm, Passion Flower, Ashwaghanda,

Anti-bacterial/Pathogens - Clove, Tea tree Oil, Wormwood


You will use GSR daily 1-2 times. A few drops around the scalp - mostly in the balding areas but it is far better to drop them everywhere as the compounding effect really magnifies the hair regrowth. The more follicles that are passing the "baton of happiness" or growth signaling, the stronger the hair restoration will be. The villus hairs will stay in the non-fertilized stage and won't go terminal (even if scalp conditions are met) unless this signaling is frequent and abundant. GSR reverses the stress and puts the follicles back into the hair producing status, once they are healed of infection and pathogens. its the restart button.



Watch video on how to use - Growth Signal Reinitializer:


1. Place 6-8 drops around the scalp concentrating in the balding areas, but hit whole scalp especially top.


2. Make sure there is no Dermis Rebuilder, grease, or anything blocking the absorption of this oil. 


3. Rub it in via fingers or a massager and leave on 1-2 times a day.


This product is the partner to Follicle Reactivator and it balances the alcohol content of if (drying) with oil.

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