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  • Writer's pictureAQBS

Hair is an extension of your Scalp

When you view hair as a separate entity from the scalp, it becomes another "organ" to deal with as far as hair loss or growth. The conclusion that I came to years ago even before starting, Back to the Barber, was that I had a scalp issue, not hair growth problem.

I believe I've drove this very deep into my theories of balding. Therefore, my entire products are built around these theories dealing with scalp conditions. Now the revelation that I came to this week is, not only is hair growth or loss a scalp issue (with roots in the gut), the hair is actually the skin transforming into another more higher function.

What am I saying? The skin has one function and the hair another. But if you really think about it, hair is a protector, signal magnifier, and the organ of "touch." Skin does the exact same thing - protector, signal magnifier, and the touch organ... They are almost identical. The difference is, skin wraps around the body, and hair extends outwardly from it.

This revelation further drives my decision to focus on scalp health (and secondary gut), because it was the right move. However, this simple thought that hair is nothing but elongated skin- will get me to the next level.

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