Balding is indeed a side-effect of a greater problem or an omen of a larger issue in the body. However, once you pay attention to it, you will notice that it moves like an infection of some sort. How so?
If you notice, hair seems to grow and thin in a pattern and hairs in the same vicinity seems to behave the same way. The Hamilton Norwood pattern shows that hair seems to bald in the same way cross culturally.
I asked myself why over the years and finally came to the conclusion of two things:
Hair recedes in the low yield zone of crown, temple 1, and temple 2. The balding starts off as small circles that eventually get bigger covering the gallea while connecting.
The hair thins as it moves out over the zone and it almost seems to move like bacterial or fungus spores or a disease being caught in the follicle to the nearest follicle.
Now this is conjecture and this is an observation of its behavior. I do not know if it is true or not. But a few things that make you go hmmm... Many of the large companies include anti-fungal, anti-bacterial in their solutions. Many have used monistat 7 as a bro science fix. The itching, redness, tenderness and acne point to an infection - and the biggest contributor to this theory is the immune system THINKS there is an outside threat. Makes you think.