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The Bald Truth

This journey has convinced me more than ever, that your hair loss is not only a side-effect of another problem, but it is completely reversable.

Take me, bald for over 13 years with a Norwood 7 (no hair at top) and now I am on the path to get my high school hair line back without any synthetics or pharms.

How is this possible if I was genetically programmed to go bald and so were you? The good new is, you were not programmed or just coded to go bald, you went bald because your immune system was programmed to react harshly when conditions went south.

What does this mean? Your immune system is not weak nor is it a problem. It is really good at recognizing a very bad issue that can lead to concerning health issues. You going bald was your body exclaiming that we have work to do. Yes, we can reverse it and you will. But dont forget that it is a omen that you were blessed to have gotten, unlike many men with a head full of hair, but need heart or prostate surgery eventually.

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