I got news for you. Your scalp would rather be feminine than masculine. Yeah, you may be able to bench press 350 pounds and work on an oil rig for a living, but your follicles would rather shop and drink skinny margaritas.
The Alpha in any other way would be viewed as positive, especially for men. However, from a hair growth perspective, Alpha state or conditions are anti-growth, anti-follicle, and a great friend of the Norwood reaper.
Opposite of that, estrogen or uterine conditions, even fat, is the bestie of the hair follicles on your scalp. In order to regrow hair, you will need to transition your scalp from an alpha condition to an omega condition. Soft, supple, moist, an abundance of resources in the scalp, while the follicles being chatty and happy is what you are trying to attain. DHT is one of the culprits- creating a dense, rigid, tight, compressed uncirculating scalp stripping fat like a out of control steroid - start there first.